Sunday 19 February 2012


Water dispenser has become a favorite and common item of equipment in the modern workplace. They have integrated into all aspects of working life from offices to workshops and construction sites to schools and hospitals. Today employers do not only provide water dispense as a means of fulfilling their legal duty to provide drinking water in the workplace, but they recognize the benefits derived from good hydration in the productivity and well being of their staff. Water dispensers are also increasingly appearing in the home as the demand for cool refreshing bottled water, on tap, is extended from the workplace and as an alternative to soft drinks and hot beverages for the family. Other than that, we know many people eager to have a healthy body. One way to stay healthy is to drink filtered and clean water. From that we design this project Prepaid Water Dispenser to help people. Therefore, the requirement of filtered clean water is highly demanded. One of the bad diseases happens to people because of water. In other word is dirty water. This phenomenon makes many companies trying to capture people interest by introduce filtered clean water dispenser.
          However, to be able to use this water dispenser, they need to bring coins. Since the coins are heavier than paper notes, people prefer to bring paper notes but the most of the machine cannot accept paper notes. Therefore, a usage of prepaid card is an effective way to buy at water dispenser. Hereby that person no longer need use deep coin purchases water, then hereby more facilitating somebody to purchase water, as people currently more emphasizing comfortable and faster pattern of life technology development.

Tuesday 14 February 2012


This project involve in the design of prepaid water dispenser. Selection if suitable sensor is required to detect the prepaid card or use database to store the prepaid code. Micro-controller is required in this project. The project employs Just Another Language (JAL) as the programming language.